Human Rights analyzed from what is stated in the institutional regulatory discourse and the educational reality

Los derechos humanos analizados desde lo planteado en el discurso regulativo institucional y la realidad educativa


Nelson Ernesto López Jiménez
Mónica Mayelly Arguello Martínez
Andrea del Pilar Pérez Castro

The exercise, respect and preservation of Human Rights - Human Rights - base the personal, social, emotional, psychological, family and cultural development of society; therefore, it is essential that the regulations or public policies in favor of their execution and defense are carry out in reality, so that they guarantee a dignified life or stability to each citizen. In this sense, the main objective that guided the research was "To assess the relationship that exists between the Institutional Regulatory Discourse - DRIand the preservation, exercise and respect of Human Rights - Human Rights in the Educational Institution - IE". The theoretical references focused on Van Dijik's position on discourse and discourse analysis and the regulations were analyzed within the framework of the prevention, regulation and defense of human rights in schools.The methodology was qualitative based on the ethnographic method that allowed the use of instruments such as documentary review, narratives and opinion agendas, developed with teachers, managers and students of 9, 10 and 11 grade of the IE INEM Julián Motta Salas (Morning Session) and IE El Caguán (Afternoon Session).

With the results of the field work, it was concluded that both IE are indeed making progress in creating the conditions to minimize the distance between what is proposed in the DRI and what is actually put into practice. The structuring of an alternative proposal very committed to the preservation, exercise and respect of human rights in IE was proposed.


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Author Biographies / See

Nelson Ernesto López Jiménez, Surcolombiana University

Doctor in Education from the Universidad del Valle. Full Time Professor at the Surcolombiana University.

Mónica Mayelly Arguello Martínez, Surcolombiana University

Master in Education from the Universidad Surcolombiana. Researcher at the PACA Research Group of the Universidad Surcolombiana.

Andrea del Pilar Pérez Castro, Surcolombiana University

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Researcher at the PACA Research Group of the
Universidad Surcolombiana.


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